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This week

Good Morning,

I hope everyone is OK and that your daily routine is returning to normal.

I just have a few thoughts I want to share about the recent challenges that “Mother Nature” has thrown our way.

This week we have had to prepare for a typhoon, clean-up afterwards and be humbled by an earthquake.

Even though it is obvious to feel, afraid, inconvenienced and even upset.

I have a few positive observations to share.

On Thursday, because many people could not go to work and had limited use of their smartphones, my local park was full of parents especially fathers playing with their children.

While lining up outside to buy a few necessities, people were calm and talking to each other even though some were strangers.

Also, one small bread shop was open and selling sandwiches for 100 yen because they wanted to help.

We always hear about bad news stories around the country and the world but during the last few days many of us could not watch TV or use our computers therefore we had to focus on the important things in life, each other.


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